Andalusian Delight - Carlos Garcia Negrete


  Carlos Garcia Negrete  
  Commonly found on Easter week, "pestiño" is an Andalusian delight coming to sweeten you. This delight so valuable as precious metal could be exemplified in the image. This is a nicely grown heterometallic dimer composed of an Au domain "right side" bonded to an octahedral Pt domain " left side" through a doble {111} epitaxy relationship. The system can be envisaged as four Au tetrahedral subunits and one Pt octahedral unit in a cyclic arrangement that is similar to the corresponding one in decahedral gold nanoparticles however the multicomponent system is characterized by a broken five-fold rotational symmetry about the [011] axis. Equipment: HRTEM image obtained with a FEI Tecnai G2F30 S-Twin TEM/STEM microscope, operated at 300kV.