Project coordinator: Prof. Asunción Fernández Camacho
Research Manager : Dr Vanda Godinho
Administrative Manager: Lucia Castillo
Steering Committee :
Director of the Materials Science Institute: Alfonso Caballero
Representative of General Director of Research, Technology and Enterprise of the Economy, Innovation and Science regional Ministry of the regional government of Andalusia: Miguel Ángel Aguirre
Representative of Vicerrectorate of research at the University of Seville: Julián Martínez
Coordinator of the Material Science Area of CSIC: Pedro Serena
Representative of NCC: Sthepane Lucas
Representative of NCC: Rafal Dunin-Borkowski
Representative of NCC: Rafal Dunin-Borkowski
Representative of Collaborative Skateholders: Patricia Santamaría
Work package leaders
Dr. Asunción Fernández Camacho
Research Professor of CSIC. Responsible of the research group “Nanostructured Materials and Microstructure” and the “Electron Microscopy facilities” at ICMS since 1991. Director of the ICMS from July 2001 to November 2009. Research field: Physico-chemical study of materials with grain sizes bellow 50 nm (nanomaterials).
Dr. Agustín R. González-Elipe
Research Professor of CSIC. Responsible of the research group “Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films”. Director of ICMS from 1998 to 2001. From 2001 to 2004 he was responsible of the Area of Materials Science and Technology of CSIC. Research fields: Surface science, thin film growth and applications, catalysts and plasma technology.
Dr. Hernán R. Míguez
Research scientist of CSIC. He leads a research line in Optical Nanomaterials. His patents leaded to the founding of two technology based companies, the Canadian Opalux and the Swedish NLAB Solar. Research field: Design, preparation, characterization and modelling of optical nanomaterials for applications in photovoltaics, sensing and radiation protection.
Research scientist of CSIC. He has participated in more than 20 research projects funded by national and European organisms. Research fields: Development of nanostructured systems (thin films, nanocomposite and nanoparticles) for improvement of mechanical and tribological applications.
Tenured scientist of CSIC. She has been responsible of the High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and EELS spectroscopy as senior technician until July 2010. Chief scientist of the TEM Service at ICMS since 2010. Research fields: Characterization of nanoparticles and nanostructured materials by TEM, EELS and XAS spectroscopies.
Dr. Mª Carmen Jimenez de Haro
Senior Technician in Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy at the ICMS. Chief scientist at the SEM Service at ICMS. Research fields: Application of Electron Microscopy techniques to the characterization of nanostructures and degradation processes in cultural heritage materials.