- Optical properties, materials and photonic devices, semiconductors” with an invites oral presentation on “New bottom-up methodology to produce silicon layers with a closed porosity nanostructure and reduced refractive index
V.Godinho GEFES 2014, Cuidad Real (January 2014)
- Characterization of amorphous and porous silicon coatings by (S)TEM and EELS
GEFES 2014, Cuidad Real (January 2014)
- Nanoscale TEM characterization of the oxidation process of CrAlN coating grown on steel
T. C. Rojas, S. Domínguez-Meister, M. Brizuela, J. C. Sánchez-López ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Co and Co-B films deposited by magnetron sputtering on PTFE membranes for the catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride
D. Hufschmidt, V. Godinho, M. Paladini, G.M. Arzac, M.C. Jimenez, O. Montes, A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- From (bio) ethanol to hydrogen using sodium borohydride
Arzac G.M., Fernández A. ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- STEM in SEM imaging of gold nanoparticles in tissular ecotoxicity experiments
C.A. García-Negrete, M.C. Jiménez de Haro, J. Blasco, M. Soto, A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- (S)TEM of organic-inorganic nanoparticles: limitations and prospects
Lionel C Gontard, Stéphane Lucas, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski and Asunción Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Interpolating the missing wedge for reducing artefacts in electron tomograms
Lionel C Gontard ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Nanoscale chemical characterization of multicomponent nanocrystals: Shape-defined Pt-seeds and AuPt heterodimers
C. A. García-Negrete, B. R. Knappett, F. Schmidt, T. C. Rojas, A. E. H. Wheatley, F. Hofer, A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Faceted growth of heterodimers through wet chemistry approaches
C. A. García-Negrete, T. C. Rojas, B. R. Knappett, D. A. Jefferson, A. E. H. Wheatley, A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- A comprehensive review of tribological behavior of TiBC coatings
J.C. Sánchez-López, and M.D. Abad ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Environmental dependence on the tribology of tailored WSex coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering
S. Dominguez-Meister, M. Conte, T.C. Rojas, A. Igartúa, J.C. Sánchez-López ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Influence of deposition parameters on the microstructure of magnetron sputtered amorphous silicon coatings with closed porosity
J. Caballero-Hernández, R. Schierholz, B. Lacroix, V. Godinho, A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Supported Co catalyst prepared as thin films by magnetron sputtering for sodium borohydride and ammonia borane hydrolysis
M. Paladini, G. M. Arzac, V. Godinho, M. C. Jiménez De Haro, A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Microstructural and Catalytic characterization of a Pt containing washcoat on SiC foams for hydrogen combustion applications
A. Fernández, U.F. Vogt, F. Hosoglu, M.C. Jiménez de Haro, O.M. Montes, A. Borgschulte, A. Züttel ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Probing the pore structure of cobalt coatings grown by magnetron sputtering using TEM and spatially resolved EELS
B. Lacroix, V. Godinho and A. Fernández ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- On the formation of the porous structure in nanostructured a-Si coatings deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at oblique angles
V. Godinho, P. Moskovkin, R. Álvarez, J. Caballero-Hernández, R. Schierholz, B. Bera, J. Demarche, A. Palmero, A. Fernández, S. Lucas ECNF 2014 & Al-NanoFunc Final Conference, Seville (7-11 July 2014)
- Spatially resolved EELS to probe the pore structure of porous coatings grown by magnetron sputtering
Lacroix B., Godinho V., Fernández A. 18th International Microscopy Congress. Prague, Czech Republic, 7-12 September 2014
- Amorphous Silicon-coatings with high amount of closed porosity
Schierholz R., Lacroix B., Caballero-Hernández J., Godinho V., Duchamp M., Fernández A. 18th International Microscopy Congress. Prague, Czech Republic, 7-12 September 2014
- STEM in SEM imaging of gold nanoparticles in tissular ecotoxicity experiments
García-Negrete C. A., Jiménez de Haro M. C., Blasco J., Soto M., Fernández A. 18th International Microscopy Congress. Prague, Czech Republic, 7-12 September 2014
